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innoXplore iX-M18 LCD Screen Cleaner Wipes Apple iPad / iPhone

innoXplore iX-M18 LCD Screen Cleaner Wipes Apple iPad / iPhone
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Model iX-M18
  • EAN: 8718104280281
Retail Price:€9.95

Keep your favorite device display stain free at a glance

Deze anti-statische, anti streep achterlatende doekjes zijn veilig voor: brillen, computerschermen, mobiele telefoons, verrekijkers, laptops, camera lenzen en de meeste glas, plastic en LED-en LCD-oppervlakken. Bevat geen ethanol of ethyl alcohol.

These anti-statics, anti-fog wipes are safe for: eyeglasses, computer monitors and screens, cell phones, binoculairs, laptops, camera lenses and most glass, plastic and LED and LCD surfaces. Contains no ethanol or ethyl alcohol.




High Resolution Picture innoXplore iX-M18  [Pic 1